2.4 GHz Frequency Offset on Chanalyzer 6

Hi community,

I recently used a Wi Spy DBx on the latest Chanalyzer 6 version to quickly verify some chipset RF tools.
It appears to me that on the 2.4 GHz band the Chanalyzer is not drawing the center frequency according to the channel scale.

Modulated signal on channel 6 and 11:

This offset is also observed with pure carrier signal.
On a spectrum analyzer the devices are communicating on the expected channels (center frequency of 2437 and 2462 MHz).

I tried with two different Wi Spy DBx dongles in case the first one was a faulty one.

I have two questions:

  • Is this a known issue?
  • It is my first capture since upgrading to chanalyzer 6, do I have to perform some kind on Wi-Spy calibration/upgrade?

Thanks in advance,

Hey Pierre, what country have you set Chanalyzer to? I suspect that we changed the display width and the change to the spectrum sweep fails. I’ll try and reproduce on my end.

or are you using chanalyzer 5 simultaneously?


I don’t recall to have set the country somewhere and I don’t see the option in the preferences.
I’m not using Chanalyzer 5 simultaneously.

It does seems like a “rendering” issue as it seems to be fine on 5 GHz.

Have a nice day,

Edit: I forget to mention the Chanalyzer version which is

Hi Pierre, we’ve identified the issue and we’ll get a release out shortly that addresses this.

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