Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Interference Issues with MetaGeek Tools - Emmanuel Katto Uganda

Hello MetaGeek Community,

I’m Emmanuel Katto and responsible for managing the Wi-Fi networks in a medium-sized office. Recently, we’ve been experiencing intermittent connectivity issues and slow speeds, which I suspect could be related to Wi-Fi interference. I’ve started using your MetaGeek tools, including WiFi Explorer and inSSIDer, to analyze our network, but I could use some additional guidance. After running a scan with inSSIDer, I noticed several neighboring networks on overlapping channels (particularly channels 1, 6, and 11). This might be contributing to interference. The Wi-Fi signal strength varies significantly, especially in areas further away from the access point, resulting in inconsistent performance.

Based on the overlapping channels, how do I determine the best channel to select for our network? Are there specific metrics I should prioritize (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio)?

Thanks in advance!
Emmanuel Katto

Hello @emmanuelkatto,

Welcome to the metageek community.

As you know 2.4Ghz network is very crowded, if your devices are compatible, you will have better users experience by using 5Ghz network.

But let talk about 2.4Ghz network.

First only use the channels 1, 6 or 11 even if you see neighboring networks on other channels.

If possible talk to your neighbors and ask them to only use channels 1, 6 or 11.

Choose the channel 1, 6 or 11 with the better signal/noise ratio with a neighboring network.

Also only use 20Mhz bandwidth never more.

Never increase the power of your access point, if you do that your computers will think they are close to the AP but the computers can’t talk louder and your AP won’t be able to hear your computer.

Instead, it’s best to move your AP; never place your AP in the corner of your floor to avoid losing valuable signal.
