Signifi Agent Beta 2 for macOS is here!


Signifi Agent Beta 2 for macOS is here!

:sparkles: Ethernet and Disconnected UI’s
:sparkles: Lots of UI polish
:bug: Watch out, there are still bugs!
:hammer_and_wrench: Not a menubar app yet!!

:memo: Full release notes here

Signifi Agent is the desktop client for Signifi Personal and Signifi Business plans. Both types of users install Signifi Agent on their Mac or Windows computer, tell Agent where they currently are, and click a few buttons to take a scan of their network environment.

Once initial scans are set up, Signifi Agent will automatically scan the network daily to monitor sub-optimal conditions, and uses scan data to automatically diagnose common Wi-Fi issues and suggest step-by-step fixes that users can complete themselves at home. On Signifi Business plans, the scan data is also centralized in an admin dashboard to help IT spot network issues before they mushroom into huge problems for end users.

:file_cabinet: Download Signifi Agent for Windows or Mac (beta)

:test_tube: Start your free 14-day trial of Signifi Business